Nazwa firmy:Imperial - Polish Workers - International Recruitment Agency
Opis firmy:
Imperial is an international recruitment agency with a head office in Poland. We have been recruiting and supplying Polish workers to work in United Kingdom and Ireland since 2003. Imperial supplies all kind of staff, but mainly: care assistants, nurses, butchers, boners, production operatives, warehousemen/forklift drivers, HGV drivers, chefs, waiters, receptionists, housekeepers, builders, and laborers. Every month we send about one hundred Polish citizen to work for our clients in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Each potential candidate is interviewed face to face in our office in Poland. We verify their documents and criminal background, taking copies of minimum 2 references, health certificate, birth certificate, driving license, criminal statement. Imperial translates all the documents into English and register CV in English in Imperial database.
We charge a placement fee per each candidate accepted and placed. The fee level depends on position. Should the candidate prove to be unsatisfactory within 90 days then a replacement will be found free of charge!
1. IMPERIAL holds a certificate issued by the Minister of Economy, Labor and Social Policy, dated as of 11.12.2003, no. 392/1b, which certificates confirms that the IMPERIAL has been entered in the register of employment agencies and authorized to conduct business as an employment COMPANY both in Poland and abroad, pursuant to the principles defined in Art. 85 of the Act on Promotion of Employment and Labor Market Institutions (published in Dziennik Ustaw No. 99, Item 1001).
2. IMPERIAL holds a certificate issued by the Gangmasters Licensing Authority, dated as of 14.02.2008, no. IMPE0001, which allows IMPERIAL, as one of just few recruitment agencies in Poland, to supply candidates to work in UK in following industries: agriculture, forestry, horticulture, food processing and packaging.
Działalność firmy:
Pośrednictwo pracy
Ilość pracowników:5
Rok powstania:2003
Data dodania / aktualizacji:02.01.2009
Użytkownik - zarejestrowany od:02.01.2009
Umieszczono pod nazwą:Imperial - Polish Workers - International Recruitment Agency
Umieszczono w kategorii:UsługiAgencje pracy
Województwo:Inny / zagranica
Statystyka:4677 odsłon / 700 wizyt
SPD Shevchenko - Rekrutacja pracowników ze wschodu
Brygady oraz pracownicy budowlani, etatowi, sezonowi z Ukrainy, Mołdowy i Białorusi. Oferujemy bardzo dogodne warunki współpracy, bez pośredników. W wersji podstawowej nie pobieramy żadnych opłat od...